Monday 6 October 2008

Title Sequence Analysis 2

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Released: 1958

This title sequence mainly uses non-diagetic sound to create an atmospehere. The director has used slow, mystical music throughout the title sequence which gives the audience a sense of mystery, it is also typical of the time period to use such music for opening a thriller. A much faster pace than this would be used in a more modern thriller.
There is not much iconography used in the way of images to show the audience that the movie is a thriller, although one convention used is an extreme close up of a face, and then an eye. The image of the eye is shown in red, which suggests danger and possibly death to the audience. Other images used are graphical rather than of people. Swirly patterns of blue and pink appear over the background while the titles appear, these patterns suggest mystery, as does the music, but they don't really give the audience an impression of what is to come in the film.
The background is black throughout the sequence, which creates a dark and gloomy atmosphere.
From this title sequence, it is hard to tell what the rest of the movie will be about. This is a technique the director could have used so the audience were left wanting to know more.



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