Wednesday 15 October 2008

Title sequence sounds

As we havn't yet put any music or sounds to our animatic, we have been looking in class at possible non-diagetic and diagetic sounds for our title sequence.

Non-diagetic sounds we are considering using are:

Children's laughter: We will use this at the very begining of our title sequence, and it will suddenly stop as you see the picture scribbled out. We want this to be the very first sound our audience will hear as it immediatly suggests our film's storyline. It will show that the laughter of the children who bullied our main character is still haunting him.

Scratching: We will use this sound while any picture or name is being circled or scribbled out. As this is quite an unpleasant sound, it will put the audience on edge, creating our desired effect.

Razor Blade:We may use the sound of a razor blade, which is a hard sound to describe, as an audience would automaticaly associate this sound with death.

We want to use diagetic sounds during our title sequence which will make our audience anxious. This means it will have a strong beat, almost like a heart beat, and we will maybe use high pitched screeching sounds over the beat. Like the scratching, this is an unpleasant sound for the audience to hear, making the audience even more on edge.



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